Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Monday, June 29, 2020

How To Make A Simple Paper Plane

What you need
  1. A4 paper


  1. fold the paper in half perfectly
  2. Unfold the paper
  3. Hold paper in portrait
  4. Fold both top right and left corners in to the middle
  5. Then fold the new corners into the middle
  6. Then fold in half
  7. And fold one side of the paper down then copy on the other side
  8. Then you can add a little stabiliser on the wings (optionel)
  9. Then fold the tip back wards into the plane (optionel)
  10. How to make a paper airplane model for Kids | make a SIMPLE paper ...Then you got your paper plane

Friday, June 26, 2020


Tinkercad is good for making 3d projects like a house, skeletons, models and for funny and its a really fun app as well. You can make rooms as well and funny animals and creatures.

  1.  First make a new tab then type tinkercad
  2. Then click the first words
  3. Then click join now in the top right corner
  4. Then click students, join class 
  5. Then aks your Teacher your class code and done your in

A creature i made with tinkercad

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Toolkits was a fun and amazing program and it was good for learning as well we had 3 sessions each one in a different block.

Session 1 Kahootin Kahoots
I did kahooting kahoots. It was fun to make a kahoot, but also annoying because people didn't mute the mic but then it was really fun and I learnt a lot.

Session 2 Incredibox
I learnt more about incredibox and it is a really fun, calming app for me and it helped me to learn more about music and different beats, melodies and effects.

Sesion 3 Tinkercad

Tinkercad is a good and helpful app where you create 3D models. It is good for architects and for fun also to learn.